Source code for museval

import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import os
import glob
import soundfile as sf
import functools
import musdb
import warnings
import pandas as pd
from .aggregate import TrackStore, MethodStore, EvalStore, json2df
from . import metrics

def _load_track_estimates(track, estimates_dir, output_dir, ext="wav"):
    """load estimates from disk instead of processing"""
    user_results = {}
    track_estimate_dir = os.path.join(estimates_dir, track.subset,
    for target in glob.glob(track_estimate_dir + "/*." + ext):
        target_name = op.splitext(os.path.basename(target))[0]
            target_audio, _ =, always_2d=True)
            user_results[target_name] = target_audio
        except RuntimeError:

    if user_results:
        eval_mus_track(track, user_results, output_dir=output_dir)

    return None

[docs]def eval_dir( reference_dir, estimates_dir, output_dir=None, mode="v4", win=1.0, hop=1.0, ): """Compute bss_eval metrics for two given directories assuming file names are identical for both, reference source and estimates. Parameters ---------- reference_dir : str path to reference sources directory. estimates_dir : str path to estimates directory. output_dir : str path to output directory used to save evaluation results. Defaults to `None`, meaning no evaluation files will be saved. mode : str bsseval version number. Defaults to 'v4'. win : int window size in Returns ------- scores : TrackStore scores object that holds the framewise and global evaluation scores. """ reference = [] estimates = [] data = TrackStore(win=win, hop=hop, track_name=os.path.basename(reference_dir)) global_rate = None reference_glob = os.path.join(reference_dir, "*.wav") # Load in each reference file in the supplied dir for reference_file in glob.glob(reference_glob): ref_audio, rate =, always_2d=True) # Make sure fs is the same for all files assert global_rate is None or rate == global_rate global_rate = rate reference.append(ref_audio) if not reference: raise ValueError("`reference_dir` contains no wav files") estimated_glob = os.path.join(estimates_dir, "*.wav") targets = [] for estimated_file in glob.glob(estimated_glob): targets.append(os.path.basename(estimated_file)) ref_audio, rate =, always_2d=True) assert global_rate is None or rate == global_rate global_rate = rate estimates.append(ref_audio) SDR, ISR, SIR, SAR = evaluate( reference, estimates, win=int(win * global_rate), hop=int(hop * global_rate), mode=mode, ) for i, target in enumerate(targets): values = { "SDR": SDR[i].tolist(), "SIR": SIR[i].tolist(), "ISR": ISR[i].tolist(), "SAR": SAR[i].tolist(), } data.add_target(target_name=target, values=values) return data
[docs]def eval_mus_dir(dataset, estimates_dir, output_dir=None, ext="wav"): """Run evaluation of musdb estimate dir Parameters ---------- dataset : DB(object) MUSDB18 Database object. estimates_dir : str Path to estimates folder. output_dir : str Output folder where evaluation json files are stored. ext : str estimate file extension, defaults to `wav` """ # create a new musdb instance for estimates with the same file structure est = musdb.DB(root=estimates_dir, is_wav=True) # get a list of track names tracks_to_be_estimated = [ for t in est.tracks] for track in dataset: if not in tracks_to_be_estimated: continue _load_track_estimates( track=track, estimates_dir=estimates_dir, output_dir=output_dir )
[docs]def eval_mus_track(track, user_estimates, output_dir=None, mode="v4", win=1.0, hop=1.0): """Compute all bss_eval metrics for the musdb track and estimated signals, given by a `user_estimates` dict. Parameters ---------- track : Track musdb track object loaded using musdb estimated_sources : Dict dictionary, containing the user estimates as np.arrays. output_dir : str path to output directory used to save evaluation results. Defaults to `None`, meaning no evaluation files will be saved. mode : str bsseval version number. Defaults to 'v4'. win : int window size in Returns ------- scores : TrackStore scores object that holds the framewise and global evaluation scores. """ audio_estimates = [] audio_reference = [] # make sure to always build the list in the same order # therefore track.targets is an OrderedDict eval_targets = [] # save the list of target names to be evaluated for key, target in list(track.targets.items()): try: # try to fetch the audio from the user_results of a given key user_estimates[key] except KeyError: # ignore wrong key and continue continue # append this target name to the list of target to evaluate eval_targets.append(key) data = TrackStore(win=win, hop=hop, # check if vocals and accompaniment is among the targets has_acc = all(x in eval_targets for x in ["vocals", "accompaniment"]) if has_acc: # remove accompaniment from list of targets, because # the voc/acc scenario will be evaluated separately eval_targets.remove("accompaniment") if len(eval_targets) >= 2: # compute evaluation of remaining targets for target in eval_targets: audio_estimates.append(user_estimates[target]) audio_reference.append(track.targets[target].audio) SDR, ISR, SIR, SAR = evaluate( audio_reference, audio_estimates, win=int(win * track.rate), hop=int(hop * track.rate), mode=mode, ) # iterate over all evaluation results except for vocals for i, target in enumerate(eval_targets): if target == "vocals" and has_acc: continue values = { "SDR": SDR[i].tolist(), "SIR": SIR[i].tolist(), "ISR": ISR[i].tolist(), "SAR": SAR[i].tolist(), } data.add_target(target_name=target, values=values) elif not has_acc: warnings.warn( UserWarning( "Incorrect usage of BSSeval : at least two estimates must be provided. Target score will be empty." ) ) # add vocal accompaniment targets later if has_acc: # add vocals and accompaniments as a separate scenario eval_targets = ["vocals", "accompaniment"] audio_estimates = [] audio_reference = [] for target in eval_targets: audio_estimates.append(user_estimates[target]) audio_reference.append(track.targets[target].audio) SDR, ISR, SIR, SAR = evaluate( audio_reference, audio_estimates, win=int(win * track.rate), hop=int(hop * track.rate), mode=mode, ) # iterate over all targets for i, target in enumerate(eval_targets): values = { "SDR": SDR[i].tolist(), "SIR": SIR[i].tolist(), "ISR": ISR[i].tolist(), "SAR": SAR[i].tolist(), } data.add_target(target_name=target, values=values) if output_dir: # validate against the schema data.validate() try: subset_path = op.join(output_dir, track.subset) if not op.exists(subset_path): os.makedirs(subset_path) with open(op.join(subset_path, + ".json", "w+") as f: f.write(data.json) except IOError: pass return data
[docs]def pad_or_truncate(audio_reference, audio_estimates): """Pad or truncate estimates by duration of references: - If reference > estimates: add zeros at the and of the estimated signal - If estimates > references: truncate estimates to duration of references Parameters ---------- references : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc, nsampl, nchan) array containing true reference sources estimates : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc, nsampl, nchan) array containing estimated sources Returns ------- references : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc, nsampl, nchan) array containing true reference sources estimates : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc, nsampl, nchan) array containing estimated sources """ est_shape = audio_estimates.shape ref_shape = audio_reference.shape if est_shape[1] != ref_shape[1]: if est_shape[1] >= ref_shape[1]: audio_estimates = audio_estimates[:, : ref_shape[1], :] else: # pad end with zeros audio_estimates = np.pad( audio_estimates, [(0, 0), (0, ref_shape[1] - est_shape[1]), (0, 0)], mode="constant", ) return audio_reference, audio_estimates
[docs]def evaluate( references, estimates, win=1 * 44100, hop=1 * 44100, mode="v4", padding=True ): """BSS_EVAL images evaluation using metrics module Parameters ---------- references : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc, nsampl, nchan) array containing true reference sources estimates : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc, nsampl, nchan) array containing estimated sources window : int, defaults to 44100 window size in samples hop : int hop size in samples, defaults to 44100 (no overlap) mode : str BSSEval version, default to `v4` Returns ------- SDR : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc,) vector of Signal to Distortion Ratios (SDR) ISR : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc,) vector of Source to Spatial Distortion Image (ISR) SIR : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc,) vector of Source to Interference Ratios (SIR) SAR : np.ndarray, shape=(nsrc,) vector of Sources to Artifacts Ratios (SAR) """ estimates = np.array(estimates) references = np.array(references) if padding: references, estimates = pad_or_truncate(references, estimates) SDR, ISR, SIR, SAR, _ = metrics.bss_eval( references, estimates, compute_permutation=False, window=win, hop=hop, framewise_filters=(mode == "v3"), bsseval_sources_version=False, ) return SDR, ISR, SIR, SAR